All Are Welcome
The sign in front of our church reads "ALL ARE WELCOME.” This simple message is a constant reminder to us of the good news that Jesus Christ welcomes us into relationship with God and one another. So, YOU are welcome to join us to discover and employ your gifts in service to Christ and the world God loves.
At present through Easter, our sermons will focus on the question “Who do you say that I am?” The question, posed by Jesus to his disciples, beckons us to look closer at Jesus the Christ: miracle worker, son of Mary, Son of God, healer, teacher, preacher, prophet, enemy of the state, savior…who do we say that he is?
We are pleased to be the recipients of the 2024 Baptist Women in Ministry Church of Excellence. Each year, Baptist Women in Ministry celebrates a Church of Excellence that has broken barriers and set new standards for empowering women ministers and leaders. We were identified as a congregation who inspires others to embrace the full potential of women in Baptist life, ministry, and leadership. Read the full news article here.
Thanks to your support we have reached our 2024 Advent Missions Offering goal! These funds will be distributed to: Together for Hope Disaster Relief, CBF Offering for Global Missions, Food for the Poor, Echo, and Jody and Perla Chance in the Dominican Republic.
Weekly at Northside
Fellowship 5:00pm
Supper 5:30 pm
Kids, Youth & Adult Programs 6:15pm
Chancel Choir at 7:00 pm
If you are searching for a new church home, looking for a place to visit, or passing through, know you will be embraced by our congregation. Whatever you carry, whoever you are, know that you are welcomed not in spite of who you are, but precisely because of who you are - a beloved child of God.
The music ministry is the heartbeat of corporate worship at Northside. Music sets the tone for worship and our music staff and choir lead us in that responsibility. The chancel choir meets for practice on Wednesdays at 7pm.
Northside is full of opportunities. Join in on one of our regular programs or ministries such as: Senior Adult Gatherings, Men’s Breakfast, Football Ministry, Helper Ministry and more. Learn about them here.
Youth Group meets weekly in the Youth Building on Sunday Nights (5-7pm) where they learn about connecting their faith to our world. They also serve in missions, have a fall retreat, go to camp, participate in worship leadership, and have other fun events.
Children have weekly Sunday School, Choir, and Wednesday Night programs. They also have regular fun events. Children at Northside are welcomed and valued in worship services and given opportunities to lead.
As a church body, we appreciate the beauty and value of all creatures. We are aware of the biodiversity declines both in our community and throughout the world. Losses of pollinators and the plants they depend on are alarming. Recognizing the value of intact ecological networks, we want to do our part to help by using our space in a way that is beneficial to biological communities. In January 2024, a 1.4-acre wildflower meadow was established with the goal of creating habitat for plants, insects, and birds. More here.
Stories From Northside
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Our mission is to celebrate God's grace and follow the movement of the Holy Spirit, allowing any person, without exception, who professes Jesus as Lord, to participate in any capacity with this fellowship.
Our mission is to celebrate God's grace and follow the movement of the Holy Spirit, allowing any person, without exception, who professes Jesus as Lord, to participate in any capacity with this fellowship.
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