Sundays at Northside

What to expect

If you are searching for a new church home, looking for a place to visit, or passing through, know you will be embraced by our congregation. Whatever you carry, whoever you are, know that you are welcomed not in spite of who you are, but precisely because of who you are - a beloved child of God. 

Courtney Stamey, Senior Pastor

  • Folks wear all sorts of things to worship on a Sunday morning. Most people will wear something business casual, like khakis with a polo or a blouse with slacks. If you are a person who likes to dress in a suit or dress in jeans, you will not be alone in those choices. Come as you feel comfortable.

  • Worship begins at 10:30am in the Sanctuary, (the biggest building). We recommend you arrive a few minutes early so our greeter can answer any questions you may have. If you are running late, don't let that hold you back from coming into worship.

    If you want to try out Sunday School, plan to arrive by 9:15 am and head to the building on the far left of the parking lot. As you do, swing by the kitchen and grab some coffee. Often there are also baked treats!

  • Of course! During the Sunday School hour (9:15am) we invite children into age-graded bible study with our gifted and dedicated teachers.

    ​During worship, all children are welcome in worship. We do have nursery services for children pre-k and under. Also, during worship, there is children’s time when all children are invited up to the front for a brief Bible story or lesson. Then children under five are escorted to the children's building for children’s church.

    ​Ultimately, let your kids be kids. We invite them to wiggle, ask questions, and participate in worship.

  • Worship at Northside follows the church calendar. We worship according to the seasons of Advent, Christmas, Lent, Easter, Pentecost, and Ordinary time. We also celebrate with special services like All Saint's Day and Reign of Christ Sunday.

    ​During worship, you will see our ministers wearing black robes with stoles coordinating to the liturgical season (white, purple, green or red). The choir will also wear robes.

    ​In a usual worship service, there will be reading from the lectionary scriptures appointed for the day, we will sing hymns, we will pray together, children choose to participate in "Children's Time," our music ministry will offer Anthems and other special music and we will listen to a sermon from one of our ministers. Our worship is led by staff and lay people ranging from children to senior adults.

    ​Liturgy means "work of the people." At Northside, we are all liturgists as we participate in the many facets of worship from planning to implementation. If our worship style is new to you, participate as you feel comfortable. If you have any questions, please ask them.

    Watch our previous services here!

  • For Baptist life in our corner of the world, we worship in a style that is uncommon. We recognize the liturgical heritage of the Christian tradition by following the lectionary, uniting our scriptural focus with the larger church around the world. The rhythm of the church year is one with which we feel very comfortable, as the colors and symbols call us to deeper reflection on the meaning of each of the seasons. We appreciate the function of music as part of our worship experience, and sing hymns, both old and new, accompanied by piano and organ. We honor the gifts of all our members, as lay leaders in our corporate worship, always focused on God and not ourselves.

    Our distinctive worship style is reflective of other Baptist churches across the nation that are affiliated with the Cooperative Baptist Fellowship and Alliance of Baptists, as Northside is, on both the state and national levels. As a diverse body of believers, we honor the diversity of the body of Christ. We are characterized by a warm welcome to both members and visitors; a deep caring for one another; a heart for international and local ministries; a devotion to individual and corporate spiritual formation; an acknowledgement of the gifts of all; and a vibrant worship. Come and join us—there is a place for you!

Can’t make it on a Sunday?

Our Mission

The mission of Northside Baptist Church is to celebrate God's grace and follow the movement of the Holy Spirit, allowing any person, without exception, who professes Jesus as Lord, to participate in any capacity with this fellowship.​