Don’t Just Attend

Belong at Northside

Music + Choir

The music ministry is the heartbeat of corporate worship at Northside. Music sets the tone for worship and our music staff and choir lead us in that responsibility. The chancel choir meets for practice on Wednesdays at 7pm.

Programs & Ministries

Interested in joining a program or serving in a ministry? Reach out to us and we will get you connected to the right people.

  • Following Wednesday night supper, we engage in a variety of studies, worship and intergenerational fellowship. Children’s programming typically occurs in the Children’s Building while Youth and Adults remain in the main building.

  • The Men’s Breakfast meets the first Tuesday of each month at 8am in the youth building for a meal, fellowship, and brief devotional.

  • Members of the congregation along with others from the community meet for monthly luncheons with speakers, either for Bible Study, entertainment, or civic information. Meets at 11am on the third Tuesday of the month.

  • A minitry of hospitality to the Clinton High School Football team on the Tuesday evenings during the football season. Members provide food and a safe space for the players to hang out. Contact James Stringer for more information.

  • If you have a need that the church can meet please contact our coordinator Sarah Denley Herrington by email, and she will connect the need with a helper who has the skills and availability to meet that need. Needs may include but are not limited to: meals, transportation, childcare, pet/house sitting, fix-it, technology, and lawncare. 


Youth Group meets weekly in the Youth Building on Sunday Nights (5-7pm) where they learn about connecting their faith to our world. They also serve in missions, have a fall retreat, go to camp, participate in worship leadership, and have other fun events. 


Sunday School

Great things happen every Sunday in Sunday School. Children learn stories of faith, they sing and worship, they care for each other and their neighbor, and they learn that God loves them, all in a warm and caring environment. We have great teachers who are full of enthusiasm and willing to serve. They plan and prepare good lessons. Bring your children so they can enjoy the whole class time! 

  • 9:15 am: Gathering activities: crafts or service-oriented activity

  • 9:30 am: Choir with Lida Stark, K-5th grade

  • 9:45 am: Bible Story

  • 10:15 am: Time to pick up your child

K - 5th grade meet in the Children's Building

6th - 12th meet in the Youth Building

​9:15 may seem early for a Sunday morning, but there is always coffee and sometimes snacks in the kitchen as adults gather before their Sunday School classes begin. If you don't have a class, this is the perfect place to find one.

For more information about Children's Sunday School, contact Susan Meadors. For more information on Youth Sunday School, contact Aaron Bond.

Wednesday Night Activities

Children’s Programming for 1st-5th graders meets on Wednesday nights. Children learn about missions, and scripture and sometimes have special speakers highlighting the missions in which Northside is directly involved.

  • 5:30 pm: Dinner in the Fellowship Hall($10 per adult. $6 per child. No more than $25 per family)

  • 6:00 pm: Kids’ Programming meets in the Children's Building

Our Partners in Brazil

In 2011 Northside voted to join in a unique partnership with a church in Brazil in the northeast city of Olinda. The partnership “yokes” us together in the gospel as “members of the same Church.” We recognize one another as members when we travel, we pray for one another, communicate regularly, share resources, learn from one another, and best of all enjoy our time and work together.

Primeira Igreja Batista em Bultrins (First Baptist Church in Bultrins) was originally founded in a modest neighborhood between two favelas. Northside has learned much from Bultrins’ incarnational presence in the favelas and from their creative multi-generational ministries. We admire and respect their public witness and their ecumenical commitments.

The church in Bultrins has borrowed some of Northside’s traditions of worship, and they have been especially interested in our many mission partnerships in the region. We learn together about the challenges of living out the gospel in our own unique settings. We also learn about the vast beauty of God’s creation which can only be known from particular places. Here we can see the North Start at night. There we can see the Southern Cross.

  • We, Primeira Igreja Batista em Bultrins and Northside Baptist Church, are yoked together as partners in the gospel. Through this partnership, we are sisters and brothers in Christ and members of the same Church.

    We commit to pray for one another regularly and especially on the Sundays when we celebrate the Lord’s Supper (Ceia do Senhor).

    We commit to communicate regularly - by post, email, telephone, Facebook, or by other available means - to share the celebrations and concerns of the church community.

    We commit to visit each other as often as possible - to dialogue, to fellowship, to worship, and to share in the ministries of the church.

    Finally, we commit to keep a spirit of cordiality and love, manifested in mutual care and demonstrated through practical actions, which reveal the love of God present among us.

    We affirm this partnership in the presence of God, creator and sustainer of the Universe, of Jesus Christ, savior, and of the Holy Spirit, consoler.  Amen.